Pray — Jericho Partnership

Join with us in prayer

We believe prayer is the most important thing anyone can do to effect change… to see our city transformed! Check this site frequently for upcoming prayer events and prayer requests from our Ministry Partners.


Please pray for:

  • Jericho Partnership’s Ministry Partners - that all their leaders, staff members and volunteers would freely and generously share Christ’s love as they serve the at-risk community of Danbury.

  • Jericho's stewardship needs; that God would provide the resources that He deems necessary for our service to the city.

  • The hungry, poor, homeless, ill, and the spiritually lost and hopeless of our city, that God would meet their needs.

  • Our Church Partners, as they continue to serve their congregations, sharing the love of Christ to all and providing the spiritual nourishment necessary to be the hands and feet of Jesus to our community.

  • That we would grow our volunteer army with people whose hearts beat for those we serve in Danbury.

  • That the name of Jericho Partnership would be more recognizable in our community, and that God would get the glory for the ministry being done here.


Listen to the prayer given at our May 2 Greater Danbury Prayer Breakfast...please keep praying for our community!

We had two significant times of prayer at our November 30 Gala, which celebrated the Beattie Legacy: Rev. Joel Eidsness led a time of prayer for the Beatties, and Rev. Ivan Pitts prayed for our new leader President Carrie L. Amos. 

Watch these videos and add your voice to these prayers.