A Thanksgiving Message from Carrie L. Amos

As we pause to reflect on our blessings this Thanksgiving, I wanted to take a few moments to share with those who are a part of the Jericho Partnership family, because it is YOU for whom I am thankful!

Regardless of how you support us – whether you volunteer with us, support us financially, intern with us, receive relational ministry services from us, or pray alongside us – you contribute to the betterment of our city. YOU ARE THE partnership, and, for that truth, I am thankful. It’s pure joy to lead a ministry fueled by people of faith AND people of good will – gifted, generous souls who give of themselves not for credit, but for the common good of all. We exist, together, to give living evidence of a loving God to a watching city.

And how our God has moved through Jericho this year! This has been a season of change for us and, in the midst of that, we’ve seen the Lord work in powerful ways. Among so many other things, we’re thankful that:

  • Nearly 2,000 children received healthcare, and 467 received physicals and immunizations, allowing them entry to schools
  • Our mentees, many of whom were destined to be high school dropouts, have a 100% graduation rate
  • 100 men found more than emergency shelter – they found hope and an opportunity to make life-affirming decisions; several are now housed, working and contributing members of society
  • 50 children from one of Danbury’s neediest neighborhoods participated in an educational, socio-recreational program, while their families engaged in an asset-based community development model, leading to neighborhood transformation

I am also thankful that Danbury was recently chosen as the second best place to live in the U.S.A., according to a survey of cities greater than 65,000 in population. I believe this is a confirmation of how God is blessing the City of Danbury, and also of His calling for Jericho to reach out to pockets of need, those most at risk here.

As we continue to follow the Lord’s leading, we’re thankful for a path that will take us into Danbury in new ways, expanding our reach and serving with new groups of people. These plans will allow us to come alongside schools, neighborhoods and even more individuals in need. Most assuredly, next year, we’ll be thanking God for amazing blessings from these new initiatives.

But for today, this Thanksgiving, my prayer is that you and yours would experience abundant peace, feel the Lord’s presence in ever-growing ways, and rest in His infinite love. And know, dear friends, that I am truly thankful for each and every one of you.

“For this reason, ever since I heard about you and your faith in the Lord Jesus and your love for all the saints, I have not stopped giving thanks for you, remembering you in my prayers.” – Ephesians 1:15-16

With love and thanks,


Carrie L. Amos, President, Jericho Partnership