The Blessings of Being a Mentor

The term mentor has the potential to strike fear into the heart of those who are being asked to consider such a role. This is unfortunate because the reality is that many of us are already serving in the role of mentor in an “unofficial” capacity and probably succeeding! Just spending productive time with someone younger or less experienced than yourself has the potential to grow into a mentoring or guide relationship with that person. As we mentally make a conscious decision to invest in another person we make a commitment to walk the journey of life with them. Sharing this journey will help a younger person to avoid many of the pitfalls that are common in this day and age. A relatively small block of time devoted to this person will have a profound and life changing effect on them.

I have mentored dozens of people in my life and continue to do so today. Many of the young people I have mentored still stay in touch with me today even as adults. Young women and young men desperately need godly role models in their lives, especially if one or both of their parents cannot fulfill that relationship. God may be calling you to be that “mentor” in their life, you really can make an amazing impact on them.  I find this mentoring experience to be one of the richest activities in my life. Other than my personal time with God I know of no other more precious expenditure of my time. I encourage and challenge to get involved in mentoring, not only will it change the person you are mentoring, it will change you! Don’t just pray about it, pray and then act!

– Rev. Christopher Yount, New Life United Methodist Church