Natasha Wright: Naomi Graduate

Natasha Wright has the distinction of being among the first young women to graduate from Naomi Mentoring … and she’s done it with honor, holding the highest GPA of the eight girls who last week graduated from area high schools, the realization of Jericho Partnership’s mission to increase graduation rates among Danbury youth.

Thanks to her success in meeting the criteria set out by Naomi and the Maranatha Foundation (Jericho’s Foundation Partner), Natasha will receive a $10,000 grant to use for educational or career-advancement purposes.  A graduate of Danbury High School, Natasha plans to attend Western Connecticut State University to major in Psychology.

She joined Naomi the end of 8th grade and was paired with Mentor Hope Johnson; she’s been with Mentor Michelle Romano since her Junior year of high school, when Hope moved out of the area.

Natasha shares more about her experience with Pathways Danbury Youth Ministries…

Share a little bit about the ways your mentor has impacted your life? When my mentor and I went to hang out for the first time, it was really nice; I had a wonderful time. I actually opened up about my life, more than I would have years ago. With my mentor being in my life, she showed me that I need to communicate more and get out of my comfort zone every once in a while.

What’s been the best thing about being part of Naomi? The endless amount of opportunities that are offered. For instance, job workshops, “How to Be a Woman of God” workshops, college tours, guest speakers, and much more.

What’s been the biggest challenge in your life and how has your mentor helped you through it? The biggest challenge has been my procrastination. I let it take up a lot of my time. My mentor helped me with this by asking me regularly if I got (whatever I was working on) done or helping me work on it.

You received a $10,000 grant; what does this grant mean to you and how do you intend to use it? Receiving the $10,000 grant means I have support available for when I’m finished with college, whether it’s with college tuition, starting a business, or a start for my savings.

If you weren’t a part of Pathways, in what ways do you think your life would be different today? If I was not part of Pathways, my life would still be similar, however, being part of it helped me realize the significance of what I do each and every day.

What are your plans for college and beyond? My plans for college is to find a career that I love, to be focused and step out of my comfort zone, try something new. And after college I hope to have found a successful career and continue to grow as a child of God.

What would you say to someone who is wondering about whether to be part of Pathways/Naomi? I would say “go for it” because not only does it help with homework and raising grades but it is a wonderful program that allows you to connect with a mentor that can become a life-time friend. Also, it strengthens your understanding and relationship with God.