Greetings for a New Year


Dear friends,
Happy New Year to you and yours! 
As we begin a new calendar year of ministry, we’re planning to run the next leg of this journey full of enthusiasm! Supported by regular and focused prayer, we are expectant that, with God’s leading and provision, the Jericho Partnership will increase its impact in the city of Danbury in 2018.

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Our commitment, as stressed so often by Chairman Emeritus Bill Beattie, is to “keep the mission the mission.” So, in 2018, we’ll sharpen our focus, and look at transformation through the lens of strengthened relationships – with those we serve, with our church partners, our ministry leaders & staff, our volunteers, and our gift partners - and discern how we can be even more effective together. Our role models remain, first and foremost, Jesus, who modeled love in relationship, and second, the Good Samaritan, who wouldn’t walk by anyone in need. 
We’re expectant that this year will be a significant year for our Partnership, and invite you to lock arms with us in our journey!

- With every blessing, Carrie L. Amos, President