Volunteer Appreciation: Sally Chow

April 16-22 is National Volunteer Appreciation Week. So we wanted to take this opportunity to highlight five of our many hundreds of amazing Jericho volunteers. 

Sally Chow, receptionist, Hopeline pregnancy resource center


How long have you been volunteering at Hopeline? For at least 3 years...maybe 4. Time flies when you are having fun!

How often to you serve/what do you do? I staff the Hopeline front desk every Wednesday morning from 10:00 am to noon: I answer the phone, check in clients, prepare material resources (diapers and wipes) and do any projects that are needed.    

Why did you choose Hopeline as the ministry where you volunteer? It began when someone from Hopeline came to our church and talked about what they do.  I have always been opposed to abortions, and the spiritual element of Hopeline drew my interest. Hopeline has a Bible study and I thought that would be a place I could offer my ministry. As it turned out, they needed someone to welcome clients as they came in for appointments. So that is where I happily serve.

What about serving here touches your heart the most? Knowing that these women are getting good news about having a baby.  I have also made friends with the staff and the ladies that sit at the desk for Jericho!