Volunteer Appreciation: Jessica Farmer

April 16-22 is National Volunteer Appreciation Week. So we wanted to take this opportunity to highlight five of our many hundreds of amazing Jericho volunteers. 

Jessica Farmer, Mentor, Naomi Mentoring


How long have you been with Naomi? Since its inception. I taught a weekly Bible study when last year’s graduating seniors (the inaugural graduating class of Naomi) were still in middle school. I’ve worked closely with the girls since that time through other avenues, but have had an official mentee for about 6 months.

How often to you serve? I meet with my mentee 2-3 times a week: for a one-on-one; at YoungLife (another teenage outreach ministry I work with); and I pick her up for church most Sundays. I also teach weekly Bible study for the girls in the program. 

Why did you choose Naomi as the ministry where you volunteer? Michelle Ross, Naomi’s director, has been a mentor – a constant presence and support - to me since I was the same age as these girls. When she said she was starting the mentoring program and asked if I would help, I was all in. She had done so much for me and I saw the passion and gifting she poured into us, and I absolutely wanted to be a part of doing the same for other young ladies.

What about serving here touches your heart the most? I had great role models growing up, which gave me a leg-up in many areas of my life. The fact that there are so many girls without that is a tragedy to me. Knowing that I can be that for someone, just by being present and consistent in their lives, is just a piece of what makes this worth it. To see these girls grow and transform into barrier-breaking young women is the icing on the cake. God truly gets the glory here!