Building on a Legacy Fund Update

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Ministry in this next phase in the life of Jericho is being measured against two concepts: following God’s leading as we serve the at-risk community, and honoring the legacy built by Bill & Kathie Beattie.

Even with Bill no longer at the helm, our ministry to Danbury’s needy residents has continued; our team is as focused as ever on the mission God gave to the Beatties 30 years ago. To that end, we’ve created a fund called “Building on a Legacy,” which exists specifically to increase Jericho’s impact in the city of Danbury and advance this mission. The fund is being set aside until our leadership team, and the Beatties, decides the most strategic way to use it to increase our impact in Danbury. 

Bill’s vision for at least some of the funds: to increase resources for mentoring and tutoring, along with clinical services, for fatherless youth in Danbury.  At the same time, resources would be used for initiatives and educational programs designed to reduce, over time, the number of fatherless youth in our community. 

We’ll be sharing more about these and other possibilities as our leaders continuing praying and seeking God’s guidance. In the meantime, we invite all who have appreciated what the Beatties have meant to Jericho and to Danbury to prayerfully consider contributing to the fund.  

Your gift will enable life transformation among our city’s most vulnerable children and youth.

To give:

1)     Click HERE, and then click on the gold “Legacy” button. On the window, click “choose a designation” and select “Building on a Legacy.”


2)     Send a check to Jericho Partnership with “Legacy Fund” in the memo

Please know that it helps us greatly if this Legacy Fund gift were over and above any regular giving; this allows us to continue our current services and programming, while we consider how to use these additional funds to build on the Beattie Legacy.