President's Corner: "God is on the Move"

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God is on the move. There no questioning the way He’s been leading and guiding me and Jericho’s leaders over the past year. At times it’s been exhilarating and wonderful; other times exhausting and difficult. But always, it’s encouraging to know that we are in God’s will, doing what He alone has called us to do - and that is to serve Danbury youth at risk and, by extension, their families.

With your volunteer and financial support, we’re more than ready to expand our reach and increase our impact in the city of Danbury.  

This doesn’t signal that what we’ve done before – like operate a school or a homeless shelter – was wrong or misguided. It wasn’t; it was good, and lives have been transformed. But what Jericho 2.0 is about is God calling us back to the heart of our mission. It’s about “you can’t stay where you are and go with God.” God is moving! And He’s saying, “Are you going to keep up?” Our answer is “yes!”

God never released us from the original call to serve youth. We branched out from that in many ways; and some of those ways didn’t serve our community most effectively. Bigger doesn’t always mean better.

So, we’re recalibrating. Today, Jericho stands ready to close the achievement gap among youth in Danbury, via academic support and healthcare. We stand ready to enter Danbury public schools, invited by administrators to come alongside even more youth - before they fall behind - with Reading Buddy programs. We stand ready to invite those same kids to Jericho for even more tutoring, mentoring, and faith-growing programs.

By extension, we stand ready to serve the parents and families of our youth with services directed at food security, addiction recovery, and equipping the homeless - because kids can’t succeed in families that are broken.

Together, we stand ready for such a time as this. Your partnership will change lives, and it will transform the heart of our city. We’re honored and humbled to do what God has called us to do.

I pray you’re with us for this journey. With your support – financially and/or by volunteering as a Reading Buddy, mentor, or tutor – we’ll be positioned to transform a city, one person at a time.

To learn more about Jericho 2.0 and give a gift in support of our new focus, visit:

To volunteer as a Reading Buddy, mentor, or tutor, contact