Introducing Jericho's Leadership Team


When President Carrie L. Amos leaves her position at the end of this month, three of Jericho's current senior-level Directors will, as a team, lead the ministry.

Director of Youth Ministries Mark Lounsbury, Administrative Director Donna Shaw, and Director of Community Engagement Lisa Siedlecki will assume leadership of day-to-day operations during this season of transition.

"Mark, Donna, and Lisa are woven into the fabric of ministry at Jericho, are seasoned and thoughtful leaders, and each has a passion to serve at-risk youth in our city," Carrie said. "I have full confidence that they'll continue to move Jericho forward during this transition."

A team leadership model is the best approach for ensuring Jericho stays on mission during this time, Carrie added, enabling Mark, Donna and Lisa to operate in their areas of giftedness at Jericho, but also to pursue ministry excellence in a variety of other ways: Mark's increased leadership role at Lighthouse Ministries; Donna's role on community Boards; and Lisa's engagement in the community through various networks.